I want Gender Reassignment Surgery (GRS). My prospective surgeon has asked me to meet a Psychiatrist first and get ‘clearance’ from the Psychiatrist. What is this about?
January 5, 2014मेरी दीदी डिप्रेशन में है और वो एक्सेप्ट नहीं कर रहीं हैं की वो डिप्रेशन में है। उन्हें लगता है उसके मित्र, पड़ोसी और कोउसिंस उसके अगेंस्ट है और वो उन्हें देखना भी पसंद नहीं करती। इसके लिए हम क्या करें?
January 5, 2014
I have been asked by foreign nationals for filling prescriptions of Ritalin.
I follow the following protocol/procedure as a minimum.
1. Kindly provide your doctor in US/your home country, consent to share information about your health (physical and mental), via email (
doctor@drmaneeshgupta.com) with me. Then ask them to email me your health records for the last 6-12 months and a note as to the reason for the prescription of Ritalin. The email should contain the office’s phone number and letterhead.
2. Kindly then ask your doctor to send me relevant details including your identifying details (passport number, social security number or visible marks) that can help me identify that it is you who I am seeing/consulting in my office.
3. I will then communicate by phone or Skype with your doctors office and/or your doctor and further confirm that they have you as a patient.
Once all the above has happened, I would be very happy to meet you, assess your condition/mental condition and consider a prescription that would be in your best interests. Please note that if I do prescribe Ritalin, I will need to see and note your passport/social security number.
All the above details will be confidential and will not be shared with either the Indian or your govt (except where a court of law orders me to do so).
Apologies for the inconvenience. I hope you realize that this procedure is for the protection of your health and for assuring you of the best possible standards of professional conduct.